Dog stories

The mistreatment and savagery towards the most vulnerable living beings on earth seems to have no bounds. Despite a global pandemic that still puts our lives at risk, we remain insensitive to this issue. Recent incidents, like the one faced by the Malaga Plant and Animal Protection Association (SPAPMA), make us reflect on this matter. […]

  Homeless animals are vulnerable to practically everything. Whether they’re seeking sanctuary or nourishment, they should fight with the hectic worldaound them. One dog who was trying to find some scraps to eat was regrettably hit by a speeding motorcycle. His injuries were so severe that nobody was confident he would certainly survive. So happily,

  The helpless canine was begging for help! Someone had left him tied up on the street and abandoned him. Despite several cars passing by, not a single one stopped to assist. Although they noticed the poor animal, they were unwilling to bring him home or release him from his restraints. The dog’s life is

    Here’s a tale of Sophie, a lovable seven-year-old American Staffordshire mix who spent close to a year waiting for a new home at SCAS (Seminole County Animal Services). Despite being adored by the shelter’s volunteers, Sophie was repeatedly overlooked for adoption, which came as a surprise to everyone. Every time she saw someone

The video shows a heart-wrenching scene as a grieving mother dog determinedly uncovers her deceased puppy. Kookie tirelessly digs through the tightly packed earth until she reaches the male pup and pulls it out of its makeshift grave by a leg. In an attempt to revive her precious offspring, she licks and nudges the tiny

In Pokhrofskoy Richardalovsky, Ukraine, a young woman reached out to an animal shelter via Facebook with distressing news. According to her message, the owner of two dogs near her home had been missing for a month and left them tied up and alone. The dogs were reportedly very unhappy, and the woman was desperate for

Amidst a world full of challenges, there’s a story about Lala – a brave four-legged creature that exemplifies the incredible strength of perseverance. She was discovered in a dire state after being hit by a train, her injuries were severe, and she was slowly losing the desire to survive. Despite facing seemingly insurmountable challenges, a

Out in a rural community where animals roam free, a fascinating story of courage and endurance captivated spectators. A plucky little pet proved to be a true hero when it alerted others to rescue its mother from the clutches of a huge python. The breathtaking moment was caught on film and demonstrated the unwavering bond

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